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Company number 07890875

Charge code 0789 0875 0007

24 July 2023
28 July 2023
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Allica Bank Limited

Brief description

The freehold land being 5 gordon street, luton LU1 2QP and registered at hm land registry with title number BD236608.. The freehold land being 15-19 manchester street, luton LU1 2QB and registered at hm land registry with title number BD67577.. The freehold land being 23 manchester street, luton LU1 2QB and registered at hm land registry with title number BD106521. The freehold land being 27 manchester street and 1 gordon street, luton and registered at hm land registry with title number BD40519.. The freehold land being conway arms, leagrave road, luton LU4 8HT and registered at hm land registry with title number BD34047.. The freehold land being 19 manchester street luton LU1 2QB registered at the land registry under title number BD111375.
Contains negative pledge.