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Company number 08009640

Charge code 0800 9640 0012

14 June 2022
24 June 2022
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Cynergy Bank Limited (04728421)

Brief description

All rights, title, interest and benefit in the property being 36 friar gate, derby, DE1 1DA as registered at the land registry with title numbers DY106156 and other properties.. All other interests and estates in freehold, leasehold and commonhold property together with all buildings and fixtures (including trade fixtures) and fixed plant and machinery at any time thereon.. All rights and claims against all lessees, sub-lessees, licensees or occupiers of the property and all guarantors and sureties for the obligations of any such person or other third parties in relation to the property now or in the future existing and capable of being satisfied by the payment of money; and all plant and machinery, fittings, equipment, implements, utensils, furniture, furnishings, chattels and/or other equipment from time to time on the property and any plant, machinery, implements, fittings, equipment in which the company is legally, beneficially or otherwise interested and the full benefit of all warranties and maintenance contracts for any of the same and the companies rights under any lease, hire, hire purchase or conditional sale agreement and any refunds of payments and other capital sums due to the company under the same. For further information about properties charged please see the charging instrument.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.