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Company number 08329983

Charge code 0832 9983 0074

29 March 2023
30 March 2023
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Santander UK PLC

Brief description

1. the freehold property known as 34-35 east street, chichester PO19 1HS with title number WSX135052;. 2. the freehold property being 11-19 high street, andover SP10 1LJ with title number HP615100;. 3. the freehold property being land on the east side of waterloo court, andover with title number HP849550;. 4. the freehold property being land and buildings known as 10-17 and 19A regent street, swindon with title number WT203443; and. 5. the freehold property known as 179-180 high street, southampton S014 2BY with title number HP496289.. For further information please see the charging instrument.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.