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Company number 08401883

Charge code 0840 1883 0089

24 November 2020
24 November 2020
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Exeter Finance Limited

Brief description

With full title guarantee, the borrower charges to the lender: by way of legal mortgage the property, being the freehold property known as ford youth and community centre, cambridge road, ford, plymouth, PL2 1PU shown edged red on the plan attached to this mortgage and registered at the land registry under title number DN728806, and the rights relating to the property, as a continuing security for the payment and discharge of the secured amounts.. With full title guarantee, the borrower charges to the lender: by way of fixed charge all rights relating to the property which by their nature may not be the subject of a legal mortgage as a continuing security for the payment and discharge of the secured amounts.. Please see charge document for more details.
Contains negative pledge.
Chargor acting as a bare trustee for the property.