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Company number 08401883

Charge code 0840 1883 0020

21 November 2016
22 November 2016
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Santander UK PLC

Brief description

The mortgagor with full title guarantee, as continuing security for the payment of all secured liabilities charges in favour of the bank (as security trustee for the group members), by way of fixed charge by way of legal mortgage, all rights, title, estate and other interests of the mortgagor in the charged property, being all that leasehold property known as part basement and part ground floor, the royal hotel, 82 lemon street, truro, cornwall TR1 2QB as comprised in the lease dated 21 november 2016 between (1) lynn dawn manning, and (2) dcd trustees limited, adam matheson spiers and alison jane spiers.. By way of fixed charge in so far as the legal mortgage set out in clause 3.1.1 are, for any reason, ineffective as a legal mortgage, all of the assets, properties, revenues and rights of the mortgagor referred to in that clause.. Please see the charge document for full details.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.
Chargor acting as a bare trustee for the property.