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Company number 08528942

Charge code 0852 8942 0002

7 May 2019
9 May 2019
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Nh Finance Limited

Brief description

147 morning lane, london, E9 6LH registered at the land registry with title number NGL207101;. 149 morning lane, london, E9 6LH registered at the land registry with title number LN235440;. 151 morning lane, london, E9 6LH registered at the land registry with title number LN235439;. 153 morning lane, london, E9 6LH registered at the land registry with title number LN101255;. 155 morning lane, london, E9 6LH registered at the land registry with title number LN101257;. 157 morning lane, london, E9 6LH registered at the land registry with title number 349827;. 159 morning lane, london, E9 6LH registered at the land registry with title number LN56208; and. 161 morning lane, london, E9 6LH registered at the land registry with title number LN58507.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.