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Company number 08572677

Charge code 0857 2677 0004

27 April 2018
10 May 2018
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • The Agricultural Mortgage Corporation PLC

Brief description

Freehold property known as land and buildings at raynham estate, fakenham, being (I) land at hempton (part NK386610 edged red on plan 1 attached to the mortgage but excluding the area edged and numbered 2 in blue and excluding the area hatched black on plan 1) (ii) land at east raynham, fakenham (part NK418701 edged red on plan 2 attached to the mortgage but excluding the areas hatched black on plan 2) (iii) land at the street, helhoughton (whole NK420693 edged red on plan 3 attached to the mortgage) (iv) land at the raynham estate, fakenham (whole NK424697 edged red on plan 4 attached to the mortgage) (v) land at west raynham, fakenham (part NK463562 edged red on plan 5 attached to the mortgage but excluding the areas hatched black on plan 5) (vi) land at west raynham, fakenham (part NK426347 edged red on plan 6 attached to the mortgage but excluding the area shaded pink on plan 6) and, for the avoidance of doubt, excluding any areas edged green on plans 1 to 4 and plan 6.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.
Chargor acting as a bare trustee for the property.