- Company Overview for UPREDICT LIMITED (09123696)
- Filing history for UPREDICT LIMITED (09123696)
- People for UPREDICT LIMITED (09123696)
- More for UPREDICT LIMITED (09123696)
Officers: 3 officers / 1 resignation
MACKIE, Ryan Sinclair
- Correspondence address
- 7 Turnstone Close, Winnersh, Wokingham, United Kingdom, RG41 5LQ
- Role
- Director
- Date of birth
- April 1974
- Appointed on
- 9 July 2014
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- United Kingdom
- Occupation
- Director
- Correspondence address
- 46 Hillside Avenue, Plymouth, United Kingdom, PL4 6PS
- Role
- Director
- Appointed on
- 9 July 2014
Registered in a European Economic Area What's this?
- Place registered
- Registration number
- 08015925
BETTISON, Stephen Vernon
- Correspondence address
- 13 Dark Lane, Backwell, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS48 3NT
- Role Resigned
- Director
- Date of birth
- September 1971
- Appointed on
- 9 July 2014
- Resigned on
- 9 July 2016
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- England
- Occupation
- It Professional