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Company number 09664462

Charge code 0966 4462 0005

9 June 2022
13 June 2022
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • A Shade Greener Finance Limited

Brief description

All that property known as:. (1) the freehold property known as rose cottage (also known as plot 1), 127 high street, belton,. Doncaster, south yorkshire, as comprised in the transfer dated 7 january 2022 between h E. brinkley limited (company number: 01259681) (the “transferor”) and the borrower,. Currently registered at the land registry as part of freehold title number HS270409 and with. Allocated title number HS406896;. (2) the freehold property known as ivy cottage (also known as plot 2), 129 high street, belton,. Doncaster, south yorkshire, as comprised in the transfer dated 7 january 2022 between the. Transferor and the borrower, currently registered at the land registry as part of freehold. Title number HS270409 and with allocated title number HS406895;. (3) the freehold property known as drayman’s lodge (also known as plot 4), 2 prospect drive,. Belton, doncaster, south yorkshire, as comprised in the transfer dated 7 january 2022. between the transferor and the borrower, currently registered at the land registry as part. Of freehold title number HS270409 and with allocated title number HS406894. For details of further charged property, please refer to schedule 1.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.