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Company number 09738382

Charge code 0973 8382 0004

28 February 2019
5 March 2019
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Reward Invoice Finance Limited

Brief description

The equipment, plant, machinery, tools, vehicles, chattels or other tangible movable property as described in schedule 1 (including any component parts of those assets from time to time held by the client (whether or not attached to those assets)), together with all additions, alterations, substitutions, replacements, renewals or modifications of or to those assets from time to time, and all accessories to those assets from time to time (including maintenance and other records, manuals, handbooks, data, drawings, and schematics relating to those assets or documents relating to warranties and patent indemnities given by manufacturers or suppliers of those assets).
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.