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Company number 09742060

Persons with significant control: 3 persons with significant control / 0 statements

Mr Matthew Lee Poole

Correspondence address
10 Beach Green, Shoreham-By-Sea, West Sussex, United Kingdom, BN43 5YG
Notified on
6 April 2016
Date of birth
February 1983
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Nature of control
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%
Right to appoint or remove directors
Has significant influence or control

Mr Daniel Leon Haigh

Correspondence address
Southcoast House 35 Chartwell Road, Lancing Business Park, Lancing, United Kingdom, BN15 8TU
Notified on
6 April 2016
Date of birth
May 1975
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Nature of control
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%
Right to appoint or remove directors
Has significant influence or control

Miss Juliet Marie Longmore

Correspondence address
Southcoast House, 35 Chartwell Road, Lancing Business Park, Lancing, West Sussex, United Kingdom, BN15 8TU
Notified on
6 April 2016
Date of birth
January 1975
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Nature of control
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%
Right to appoint or remove directors
Has significant influence or control