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Company number 09783852

Charge code 0978 3852 0002

23 June 2017
29 June 2017
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Saving Stream Security Holding Limited

Brief description

Land and buildings at hardwick square south, buxton, derbyshire SK17 6QA comprising:. 1) land on the south side of hardwick square south, buxton, derbyshire as shown edged red on the plan attached to this legal charge title number to be allocated, presently registered at the land registry under title number DY503482;. 2)Land on the south side of hardwick square north, buxton, derbyshire registered at the land registry under title number DY432510;. 3) land at hardwick square south, buxton (SK17 6LA) more particularly described in a transfer of the same date as this legal charge made between otter controls limited (1) and hardwick square developments limited (2) title number to be allocated, presently registered at the land registry under title number DY365788.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Floating charge covers all the property or undertaking of the company.
Contains negative pledge.