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Company number 10267893

Charge code 1026 7893 0014

31 October 2019
18 November 2019
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Bank of America, N.A.

Brief description

• patent no./application no. 1618161.2 (with the following description: improved method, system and software for searching, identifying, retrieving and presenting electronic documents). • patent no./application no. 1618158.8 (with the following description: improved method, system and software for searching, identifying, retrieving and presenting electronic documents). • patent no./application no. 1618163.8 (with the following description: improved method, system and software for searching, identifying, retrieving and presenting electronic documents). • patent no./application no. 14818943.4 (with the following description: system and method for dynamically scheduling network scanning tasks). • patent no./application no. GB0427256.3 (With the following description: methods for identifying compounds for treating disease states),. • all other assets listed in the schedules to the instrument. For more details please refer to the instrument.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Contains negative pledge.