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Company number 10363893

Charge code 1036 3893 0003

20 October 2021
20 October 2021
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Commercial Acceptances Limited

Brief description

All that freehold property situate and known as land at the stow depot, the stow, harlow registered at hm land registry with title absolute under title number EX913849, all that freehold property situate and known as service industry bays numbers 1 to 8 (inclusive) and numbers 18 to 33 (inclusive) and numbers 37, 38, 39 and 40 registered at hm land registry with title absolute under title number EX416514, all that freehold property situate and known as land on the east side of howard way, harlow registered at hm land registry with title absolute under title number EX572706 and all that part of the freehold property. Situate and known as land and buildings at the stow, harlow registered at hm land registry. With title absolute under title number EX852185 as comprised in the transfer dated 20 october 2021 made between (1) harlow district council and (2) harlow properties limited.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Contains negative pledge.