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Company number 10515218

Charge code 1051 5218 0002

7 June 2017
8 June 2017
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Lendinvest Finance No. 4 Limited

Brief description

All that freehold property known as the land to the rear of 110 dalston lane, london E8 1NG registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number 432182 and being the subject of a transfer of part between (1) david mcewan and lewis mcewan and (2) the chargor on 7 june 2017; and. All that freehold property known as the land to the rear of 112 dalston lane, london E8 1NG as the same is registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number 432502 and being the subject of a transfer of part between (1) heathcroft investments limited and (2) the chargor on 7 june 2017.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.