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Company number 10782983

Charge code 1078 2983 0013

8 April 2022
12 April 2022
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • U.S. Bank Trustees Limited

Brief description

Freehold land and buildings at 8 sandringham close, seaford, east sussex BN25 3EB with title number ESX28933, as more particularly described in schedule 1 of the instrument.. Freehold land and buildings at 23 maple fields, seaford, east sussex BN25 3ER with title number ESX303394, as more particularly described in schedule 1 of the instrument.. Freehold land and buildings at 33 maple fields, seaford, east sussex BN25 3ER with title number ESX317047, as more particularly described in schedule 1 of the instrument.. For further details of the land/ip charged, refer schedule 1 (mortgaged assets) of the security supplemental deed.
Contains negative pledge.