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Company number 11798066

Charge code 1179 8066 0004

2 August 2021
6 August 2021
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Crowd Property Limited

Brief description

As a continuing security for the payment and discharge of the secured liabilities, the mortgagor with full title guarantee charges to the lender a first legal mortgage over land at plot 1 the hollies, plex lane, halsall, ormskirk, as registered under title LAN244419, plot 2 the hollies, plex lane, halsall, ormskirk, as registered under title LAN245207, plot 3 the hollies, plex lane, halsall, ormskirk, as registered under title LAN245209, plot 4 the hollies, plex lane halsall, ormskirk as is shown within the land edged red on the plan to the legal charge as registered under title LAN245210, plot 5 the hollies, plex lane halsall, ormskirk as is shown within the land edged red on the plan to the legal charge as currently registered under title LAN66053, plot 6 3 the hollies, plex lane, halsall, ormskirk, as registered under title LAN245211, plot 7 3 the hollies, plex lane, halsall, ormskirk, as registered under title LAN245212 and plot 8 3 the hollies, plex lane, halsall, ormskirk, as registered under title LAN245214 and a first fixed charge. For more details please refer to the instrument.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains negative pledge.