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Company number 11872318

Charge code 1187 2318 0006

25 March 2022
31 March 2022
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Standard Bank Jersey Limited

Brief description

(One) all and whole the subjects known as and forming 31, 37, 39 and 41 townhead street, hamilton ML3 7BQ being the subjects registered in the land register of scotland under title numbers LAN150994, LAN8097, LAN25821 and LAN8642; and (two) all and whole the subjects known as the land at townhead street, hamilton and shown delineated in red on the plan annexed to the standard security being part and portion of the subjects registered in the land register of scotland under title number LAN73296, which subjects are currently undergoing registration in the land register of scotland under title number LAN247227.
Contains negative pledge.