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Company number 11958784

Charge code 1195 8784 0005

29 April 2022
9 May 2022
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • A-a Debt Gbp Investment Investco S.À R.L. (As Security Agent)

Brief description

All and whole the tenant’s interest in the lease between casl edinburgh property owner limited (now called davinci edinburgh property owner limited) and casl edinburgh property operator LP (now called davinci edinburgh property operator LP) acting through its general partner casl edinburgh operator gp limited (now called davinci edinburgh operator gp limited) dated 20 august 2021 of subjects at 162 dundee street, edinburgh shown outlined in red on plan 1 (as such term is defined in the standard security) but excepting therefrom the area shown hatched blue on plan 1, which subjects form part and portion of the subjects registered in the land register of scotland under title number MID82772 and which subjects are currently undergoing registration in the land register of scotland under title number MID205328 in terms of application number 19MID02622 and which tenant's interest is undergoing registration in the land register of scotland under title number MID225946.
Contains negative pledge.