- Company Overview for PANGOLIN FASHION LIMITED (12126522)
- Filing history for PANGOLIN FASHION LIMITED (12126522)
- People for PANGOLIN FASHION LIMITED (12126522)
- Registers for PANGOLIN FASHION LIMITED (12126522)
- More for PANGOLIN FASHION LIMITED (12126522)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
13 Oct 2020 | GAZ2(A) | Final Gazette dissolved via voluntary strike-off | |
21 Jul 2020 | GAZ1(A) | First Gazette notice for voluntary strike-off | |
14 Jul 2020 | DS01 | Application to strike the company off the register | |
21 May 2020 | AD01 | Registered office address changed from 7 Charcroft Gardens Enfield EN3 7HA England to 7 Charcroft Gardens Enfield EN3 7HA on 21 May 2020 | |
21 May 2020 | AP03 | Appointment of Mr Mehmet Tekin as a secretary on 21 May 2020 | |
21 May 2020 | EW01 | Withdrawal of the directors' register information from the public register | |
21 May 2020 | EW01RSS | Directors' register information at 21 May 2020 on withdrawal from the public register | |
21 May 2020 | EH01 | Elect to keep the directors' register information on the public register | |
21 May 2020 | AD01 | Registered office address changed from 82 the Chase Wallington SM6 8LY England to 7 Charcroft Gardens Enfield EN3 7HA on 21 May 2020 | |
01 Aug 2019 | CS01 | Confirmation statement made on 1 August 2019 with updates | |
29 Jul 2019 | NEWINC |
Statement of capital on 2019-07-29