Persons entitled
- Warrington Borough Council (As Security Agent)
Brief description
Leasehold land and buildings known as unit 2, airport city. South, sunbank lane, ringway, altrincham, manchester shown. Edged red on the plan attached at part a, schedule 7 (excluding. The land shown coloured green on the plan attached at part b,. Schedule 7) demised pursuant to a lease dated 26 september. 2013 (as varied) made between (1) the council of the city of. Manchester and (2) airport city (manchester) limited, which. Comprises part of that land currently registered at the land. Registry under title numbers MAN291098 and MAN216370 and. Which was transferred from soulplane propco I, sarl to thg. Icon unit 2 propco limited on 3 august 2020 and leasehold land. Adjoining unit 2, airport city south, sunbank lane, ringway,. Altrincham, manchester shown coloured green on the plan. Attached at part b, schedule 7 demised pursuant to A. supplemental lease dated 29 july 2020 made between (1) the. Council of the city of manchester and (2) soulplane propco I,. Sarl which was granted out of the landlord's unregistered land. (Which has been allocated title number MAN366797) and was. Assigned to thg icon unit 2 propco limited on 3 august 2020.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Floating charge covers all the property or undertaking of the company.
Contains negative pledge.