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Company number 12745596

Persons with significant control: 2 active persons with significant control / 0 active statements

Mr Mark Stuart Sissons Active

Correspondence address
5 Higher Stubbin, Rotherham, England, S62 7RY
Notified on
7 July 2023
Date of birth
August 1967
Country of residence
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – More than 25% but not more than 50%
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%
Right to appoint or remove directors

Mr Valentin Cirstea Active

Correspondence address
9 Leyfield Place, Wombwell, Barnsley, England, S73 8BF
Notified on
15 July 2020
Date of birth
May 1989
Country of residence
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – More than 25% but not more than 50%
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%
Right to appoint or remove directors

Mr Bogdan-Octavian Baicu-Raschka Ceased

Correspondence address
5 Bole Close, Wombwell, Barnsley, England, S73 8AZ
Notified on
15 July 2020
Ceased on
11 January 2021
Date of birth
January 1980
Country of residence
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – More than 25% but not more than 50%
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%
Right to appoint or remove directors

Mr Cristian Otto Raschka Ceased

Correspondence address
16 Leyfield Place, Wombwell, Barnsley, England, S73 8BF
Notified on
15 July 2020
Ceased on
21 July 2020
Date of birth
June 1993
Country of residence
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – More than 25% but not more than 50%
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%
Right to appoint or remove directors