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Company number 12955884

Charge code 1295 5884 0003

27 October 2022
28 October 2022
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Hampshire Trust Bank PLC

Brief description

All that freehold interest in the land and property known as 1-9 kent court, 1-9 devon court, 1-9 dorset court, and 1-9 sussex court, catterick garrison and registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number NYK269652. All that leasehold interest in the land and property known as land and buildings on the north and south sides of hipswell road west and land and buildings on the north side of gough road, catterick and registered at the land registry with title absolute under part of title number NYK184351 as shown edged red on the plan annexed to this legal charge. All that leasehold interest in the property known as 1 kent court, catterick garrison and parking space and bin store, DL9 3EY and comprised in the lease dated 13 september 2005 and made between annington property limited (1) annington rentals (no.3) limited (2) and catterick anzio residents company limited (3) as the same is registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number NYK312855. All that leasehold interest in the property known as 2 kent court, catterick garrison and garage and bin store, DL9 3EY and comprised in the lease dated 13 september 2005 and made between annington property limited (1) annington rentals (no.3) limited (2) and catterick anzio residents company limited (3) as the same is registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number NYK312857. All that leasehold interest in the property known as 3 kent court, catterick garrison and garage and bin store, DL9 3EY and comprised in the lease dated 13 september 2005 and made between annington property limited (1) annington rentals (no.3) limited (2) and catterick anzio residents company limited (3) as the same is registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number NYK312859. All that leasehold interest in the property known as 4 kent court, catterick garrison and garage and bin store, DL9 3EY and comprised in the lease dated 13 september 2005 and made between annington property limited (1) annington rentals (no.3) limited (2) and catterick anzio residents company limited (3) as the same is registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number NYK312861. All that leasehold interest in the property known as 5 kent court, catterick garrison and garage and bin store, DL9 3EY and comprised in the lease dated 13 september 2005 and made between annington property limited (1) annington rentals (no.3) limited (2) and catterick anzio residents company limited (3) as the same is registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number NYK312863. All that leasehold interest in the property known as 6 kent court, catterick garrison and parking space and bin store, DL9 3EY and comprised in the lease dated 13 september 2005 and made between annington property limited (1) annington rentals no.3 Limited (2) and catterick anzio residents company limited (3) as the same is registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number NYK312865. All that leasehold interest in the property known as 7 kent court, catterick garrison and parking space and bin store, DL9 3EY and comprised in the lease dated 13 september 2005 and made between annington property limited (1) annington rentals no.3 Limited (2) and catterick anzio residents company limited (3) as the same is registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number NYK312867. All that leasehold interest in the property known as 8 kent court, catterick garrison and parking space and bin store, DL9 3EY and comprised in the lease dated 13 september 2005 and made between annington property limited (1) annington rentals (no.3) limited (2) and catterick anzio residents company limited (3) as the same is registered at the land registry with title absolute under title number NYK312869. Please refer to the property schedule of the deed to see the remaining properties being charged.