- Company Overview for MASON HAYES ESTATES LIMITED (13144544)
- Filing history for MASON HAYES ESTATES LIMITED (13144544)
- People for MASON HAYES ESTATES LIMITED (13144544)
Persons with significant control: 1 active person with significant control / 0 active statements
Mason Hayes Holdings Limited Active
- Correspondence address
- Siviter House, No. 1 The Grange, Altrincham Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, England, SK9 5ND
- Notified on
- 27 January 2022
- Governing law
- Legal form
- Limited Company
- Place registered
- England And Wales
- Registration number
- 13144502
- Incorporated in
- England And Wales
- Nature of control
Mrs Catherine Hayes Ceased
- Correspondence address
- Siviter House, No. 1 The Grange, Altrincham Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, England, SK9 5ND
- Notified on
- 30 September 2021
- Ceased on
- 27 January 2022
- Date of birth
- May 1973
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- England
- Nature of control
Mr Marcus David Hayes Ceased
- Correspondence address
- Siviter House, No. 1 The Grange, Altrincham Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, England, SK9 5ND
- Notified on
- 19 January 2021
- Ceased on
- 27 January 2022
- Date of birth
- December 1964
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- England
- Nature of control