Persons entitled
- Close Brothers Limited
Brief description
The company, with full title guarantee, hereby charges to the security trustee by way of first. Floating charge as a continuing security for the payment and discharge of the secured monies. Its undertaking and all its property, assets and rights whatsoever and wherever located both. Present and future (other than any property or assets from time to time effectively charged by. Way of legal mortgage or fixed charge pursuant to clauses 3.1(a) to (d) inclusive above, by any. Supplemental charge or otherwise pursuant to this deed) including (without limitation and. Whether or not so effectively charged) any of its property and assets situated in scotland.. A fixed charge on all of the following assets belonging to the company, whether in existence. Now or in the future:. (I) the freehold and leasehold properties of the company not effectively mortgaged under. Clauses 3.1(a) or (b) including such as may hereafter be acquired;. (Ii) all fixtures in, on or attached to the property subject to the legal mortgages under. Clauses 3.1(a) or (b) and all spare parts, replacements, modifications and additions for. Or to the same;. (Iii) any other freehold and leasehold property which the company shall own together with. All fixtures and fittings (including trade fixtures and fittings) and fixed plant and. Machinery in, on or attached to such property and all spare parts, replacements,. Modifications and additions for or to the same;. (Iv) all specified equipment (if any) and the benefit of all contracts and warranties relating. To the same;. (V) all equipment, (other than specified equipment), and the benefit of all contracts and. Warranties relating to the same;. (Vi) all goodwill, unpaid and/or uncalled capital of the company;. (Vii) all the company’s intellectual property;. (Viii) all the company’s securities;. (Ix) all loan capital, indebtedness or liabilities on any account or in any manner owing to the. Company from any subsidiary of the company or a member of the company’s group;. (X) all amounts realised by an administrator or liquidator of the company, upon. Enforcement or execution of any order of the court under part iv of the insolvency act. 1986;. (xi) all documents of title to any item of property which at any time and for any purpose has. Been or may be deposited with the security trustee;. (Xii) the assets mentioned in the title documents referred to in (xi) above;. (Xiii) any account in the name of the company under the control of or operated in accordance. With the directions of any member of the close group; and. (Xiv) any indebtedness of any member of the close group to the company from time to time.. (D) a fixed charge on all the company’s debts, present and future;. "Property" - the estate and interest of each company in freehold and leasehold property wherever. Situated (other than any heritable property in scotland) including all liens, charges, options, agreements,. Rights and interests in or over such property or the proceeds of sale of such property and all buildings and. Fixtures thereon and all rights, easements and privileges appurtenant to, or benefiting, the same and. "Properties" means all or any of the same, as the context requires.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Floating charge covers all the property or undertaking of the company.
Contains negative pledge.
Chargor acting as a bare trustee for the property.