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Company number FC004234

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
28 Jun 2004 BR6 BR002048 par appointed 15/04/04 tsukamoto takashi service address river plate house 7-11 finsbury circus london
28 Jun 2004 BR6 BR002048 par terminated 15/04/04 sato seiichiro service address
18 Feb 2004 395 Particulars of mortgage/charge
20 Jan 2004 BR6 BR002048 pa partic 09/12/03 sato seiichiro service address river plate house 7-11 finsbury circus london EC2M 7DH
30 Sep 2003 AA Full accounts made up to 31 March 2003
20 Dec 2002 PROSP Listing of particulars
18 Oct 2002 AA Full group accounts made up to 31 March 2002
23 Apr 2002 BR6 BR002048 par appointed 01/04/02 seiichiro sato flat 35 clarence terrace regent's park london NW1 4RD
23 Apr 2002 BR6 BR002048 par terminated 01/04/02 minoru egashira
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Request DocumentBR002048 par terminated 01/04/02 minoru egashira
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/02 hiraide isao
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/02 mori nobuhiro 139-8 azumano yokohama
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/02 mori nobuhiro 139-8 azumano yokohama
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/02 obara yukio
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/02 shishido michio 46-2 gokoishi chiba
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/02 shishido michio 46-2 gokoishi chiba
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/02 maeda ternunibu
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/02 ohuchi toshiaki 33-22 takaidonishi tokyo
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/02 ohuchi toshiaki 33-22 takaidonishi tokyo
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/02 satomura seiji
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/02 kaminishi ikuo 8-21 minamimachi tokyo
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/02 kaminishi ikuo 8-21 minamimachi tokyo
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/02 hashimoto toru
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/02 saito hiroshi 44-2 shimouma 6-chome, setagaya-ku tokyo
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/02 saito hiroshi 44-2 shimouma 6-chome, setagaya-ku tokyo
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/02 yanagihara kazumi
22 Apr 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/02 yamamoto yoshiro
17 Apr 2002 395 Particulars of mortgage/charge
11 Apr 2002 BR5 BR002048 name change 01/04/02 fuji bank LIMITED
11 Apr 2002 BR3 Change of name 01/04/02 fuji ban
11 Apr 2002 BR3 Change of address 01/04/02 5-5 o
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentChange of address 01/04/02 5-5 o