- Company Overview for ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE- S.P.A. (FC004305)
- Filing history for ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE- S.P.A. (FC004305)
- Insolvency for ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE- S.P.A. (FC004305)
- UK establishments for ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE- S.P.A. (FC004305)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
01 Dec 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 29/06/77 guido de unterrichter | |
01 Dec 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 30/06/79 benedetto capomazza di campolatt aro | |
01 Dec 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 21/06/80 fausto calabria | |
01 Dec 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 30/09/76 salvatore cara | |
01 Dec 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 25/02/94 lamberto bartolucci | |
30 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 25/02/94 perruccio pavolini | |
30 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 25/02/94 vincenzo pietrini | |
30 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 22/03/78 giorgio tupini | |
30 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 29/06/77 donato saracino | |
30 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 24/06/80 rinaldo santini | |
30 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 10/05/89 carlo rubbia | |
30 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 29/06/77 aldo remonding | |
30 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 10/12/77 lucio de giacomo | |
24 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir change in partic 09/10/00 uitiorio grilli vittorio grilli | |
24 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir change in partic 09/10/00 mario franghi mario franchi | |
24 Nov 2000 | BR4 | Dir change in partic 09/10/00 silvano barberni silvano barberini | |
22 Nov 2000 | AA | Full accounts made up to 31 December 1999 | |
07 Aug 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 16/06/00 giuseppe borgia | |
07 Aug 2000 | BR4 |
Dir appointed 16/06/00 uittorio grilli milano italy
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir appointed 16/06/00 uittorio grilli milano italy |
25 Jul 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 16/06/00 giuseppe surrenti | |
25 Jul 2000 | BR4 |
Dir appointed 16/06/00 silvano barbebni viterbo italy
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir appointed 16/06/00 silvano barbebni viterbo italy |
25 Jul 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 16/06/00 virgilio mascia | |
25 Jul 2000 | BR4 |
Dir appointed 16/06/00 maurizio prato rome italy
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir appointed 16/06/00 maurizio prato rome italy |
25 Jul 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 16/06/00 ovido abradessa | |
25 Jul 2000 | BR4 |
Dir appointed 16/06/00 mario franghi rome italy
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir appointed 16/06/00 mario franghi rome italy |