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Company number FC004549

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
18 Oct 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/99 takeshi yano tokyo japan
27 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir change in partic 29/06/99 ryuichi ohno
26 Aug 1999 AA Full group accounts made up to 31 March 1999
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/99 yasumasa karaki 23-5 renkoji 1-chome tama-shi tokyo 206-0021
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/99 akira watanabe 8VICTORIA park close singapore 266-555
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/99 kenichi nakazato 22-21 koyamadai 2-chome sakpe-ku japan 247-0002
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/99 tetsuo iwata 10-51 tokura 4 chome japan 195-0003
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/99 khota omori 4-13 nishikata 2 chome bunkuo-ku tokyo japan 113-0024
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/99 tadashi yanagisawa 33-14 kamiaso 2 chome aso-ku kawasaki-shi kanagwa 215-0021
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 akira katayanagi
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 28/05/99 hiroshi motomura
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 shuichi tacamahi
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 toshiyuki nishimura
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 02/06/99 mitsuru hamaishi
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 31/03/99 padamasa kitoku
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 hisackazu wakamatsu
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 tadahiro asami
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 tadashi kurachi
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 akihiro uno
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 koyoshi tsunoda
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 takaya hama
25 Aug 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/99 masatoshi shimada
25 Aug 1998 AA Full accounts made up to 31 March 1998
12 Aug 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 26/06/98 mr shota yasuda tokyo japan
12 Aug 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 26/06/98 mr yoshiyuki onishi kanagawa japan