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Company number FC005975

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
17 Sep 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 01/09/96 john cousins ingram house 13 ingram avenue london
17 Sep 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 01/09/96 harold richard cramer 1A lansdowne walk london
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/09/96 harold richard cramer 1A lansdowne walk london
05 Sep 1996 BR6 BR000651 pa appointed 19/08/96 graham james low 9 albany towers 6 st catherine's terrace hove east sussex BN3 2RQ
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Request DocumentBR000651 pa appointed 19/08/96 graham james low 9 albany towers 6 st catherine's terrace hove east sussex BN3 2RQ
05 Sep 1996 BR6 BR000651 pa terminated 19/08/96 christopher james rumsey
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Request DocumentBR000651 pa terminated 19/08/96 christopher james rumsey
05 Sep 1996 BR4 Sec resigned 19/08/96 christopher james rumsey
05 Sep 1996 BR4 Sec appointed 19/08/96 graham james low gordon 9 albany towers 6 st catherine's terrace hove east sussex BN3 2RQ
05 Sep 1996 BR6 BR001327 pa appointed 19/08/96 graham james low gordon 9 albany towers 6 st catherine's terrace hove east sussex BN3 2RQ
05 Sep 1996 BR6 BR001327 pa terminated 19/08/96 christopher james rumsey
10 May 1996 BR4 Dir change in partic 01/05/96 graham henry george ellis 3 the old rectory milton keynes village bucks MK10 3AF
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Request DocumentDir change in partic 01/05/96 graham henry george ellis 3 the old rectory milton keynes village bucks MK10 3AF
09 Apr 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 18/03/96 allan spence mathieson 169 forest avenue aberdeen scotland AB1 6UU
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Request DocumentDir appointed 18/03/96 allan spence mathieson 169 forest avenue aberdeen scotland AB1 6UU
22 Mar 1996 BR4 Dir resigned 01/03/96 john martin banfield
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Request DocumentDir resigned 01/03/96 john martin banfield
22 Mar 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 01/03/96 graham henry george ellis 27,hillcrest gardens, hinchley wood esher surrey KT10 obu
22 Mar 1996 BR4 Dir resigned 01/03/96 john martin banfield
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Request DocumentDir resigned 01/03/96 john martin banfield
22 Mar 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 01/03/96 graham henry george ellis 27,hillcrest gardens hinchley wood esher, surrey KT10 obu
22 Mar 1996 BR4 Dir resigned 29/02/96 keith knowles
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Request DocumentDir resigned 29/02/96 keith knowles
22 Mar 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 29/02/96 curtis william brand flat 1,1,cheval place london SW7 1BW
11 Aug 1995 AA Full accounts made up to 31 December 1994
23 Dec 1994 BR4 Dir resigned 30/11/94 edward le marchant trafford
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Request DocumentDir resigned 30/11/94 edward le marchant trafford
23 Dec 1994 BR4 Dir appointed 01/12/94 john keith shanley 2 miena way ashstead surrey KT21 2HU
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/12/94 john keith shanley 2 miena way ashstead surrey KT21 2HU
29 Nov 1994 BR4 Dir resigned 31/10/94 stuart james moncreiff
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Request DocumentDir resigned 31/10/94 stuart james moncreiff
29 Nov 1994 BR4 Dir appointed 01/11/94 raymond grover charles 18, montpelier mews, off montpelier street, london SW7
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/11/94 raymond grover charles 18, montpelier mews, off montpelier street, london SW7
02 Sep 1994 BR4 Dir resigned 31/07/94 john joseph o'connor
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Request DocumentDir resigned 31/07/94 john joseph o'connor
31 Aug 1994 AA Full accounts made up to 31 December 1993
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Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 31 December 1993
13 May 1994 BR4 Dir appointed 14/03/94 andrew porter swiger 16 cromar gardens kingswells aberdeen
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Request DocumentDir appointed 14/03/94 andrew porter swiger 16 cromar gardens kingswells aberdeen
13 May 1994 BR4 Dir change in partic 01/04/94 keith knowles farmside 12 woodfield avenue northwood middlesex HA6 3EA
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Request DocumentDir change in partic 01/04/94 keith knowles farmside 12 woodfield avenue northwood middlesex HA6 3EA