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Company number FC006193

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
17 Jun 1997 AA Full accounts made up to 31 December 1996
05 Jun 1997 BR6 BR003539 par terminated 31/12/96 simon clegg
22 May 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr terminated 15/05/97 warren mccormick
06 May 1997 BR6 BR003539 par appointed 01/05/97 mark anthony carton 12 larkspur close bishops stortford kerts CM23 4LL
06 May 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 01/05/97 william patrick foley 2 ringwood gardens inglewood close, corn mill quay isle of dogs london E14 9WY
06 May 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 01/05/97 thomas cook 78 tufnell park road london N7 0DT
06 May 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 01/05/97 warren mccormick 20 third avenue shotgate wickford essex SS11 8RF
06 May 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 01/05/97 christopher paul owen 107 walsworth road hitchin herts SG4 9ST
06 May 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 01/05/97 gary southgate 9 hillside mews chelmsford essex CM2 9DH
02 Apr 1997 BR6 BR003354 par partic 01/10/96 martin ronald smith 2 lynford close arkley barnet hertfordshire EN5 3HQ
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Request DocumentBR003354 par partic 01/10/96 martin ronald smith 2 lynford close arkley barnet hertfordshire EN5 3HQ
02 Apr 1997 BR6 BR003354 par partic 01/10/96 graham charles bird 36 chelsea park gardens london
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Request DocumentBR003354 par partic 01/10/96 graham charles bird 36 chelsea park gardens london
02 Apr 1997 BR6 BR003354 par appointed 01/11/96 mr anthony john robert geensen southwood 16 eaton park surrey EC2M 3TY
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Request DocumentBR003354 par appointed 01/11/96 mr anthony john robert geensen southwood 16 eaton park surrey EC2M 3TY
02 Apr 1997 BR6 BR003354 par terminated 31/12/96 frank go
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Request DocumentBR003354 par terminated 31/12/96 frank go
02 Apr 1997 BR6 BR003354 par terminated 11/10/96 dane steven mcguire
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Request DocumentBR003354 par terminated 11/10/96 dane steven mcguire
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 18/11/96 robert pfeiffer altkonigstrasse 95 61440 oberursel germany
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 18/11/96 andrew martin cartwright 37 lonsdale road barnes london SW13 9JP
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 18/11/96 ralph bunche 93 oakley street london SW3 5NR
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 18/11/96 john duncan grimstone the earl of verulam gorhambury st albans herts AL3 6AH
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 18/11/96 hans meissner eldon house lyndhurst road london NW3 5TB
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 18/11/96 karl guha no 3 somerset court 79-81 lexham gardens london W8 6JN
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 18/11/96 rudiger von wedel flat 1 19 craven hill london W2
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 18/11/96 anneke minnema flat 6 58 brompton square london SW3 2AG
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 18/11/96 maarten roest flat 5 no 5 campden hill gardens london W8 7AX
22 Jan 1997 BR6 BR003539 pr appointed 08/11/96 michael-rurik halaby 16B allen house allen street london
05 Aug 1996 BR1-PAR BR003539 pr appointed leo kapoen flat 36 2 mansfield street london W1M 9FE
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Request DocumentBR003539 pr appointed leo kapoen flat 36 2 mansfield street london W1M 9FE