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Company number FC007574

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
05 Jun 2013 LIQ MISC Insolvency:secretary of states certificate of release of liquidator
05 Jun 2013 LIQ MISC Insolvency:secretary of states certificate of release of liquidator
05 Jun 2013 LIQ MISC Insolvency:secretary of states certificate of release of liquidator
24 May 2013 4.43 Notice of final account prior to dissolution
21 Apr 2010 OSCH01 Details changed for a UK establishment - BR002051 Address Change Athene palce 66 shoe lane, london, EC4A 3BQ,1 April 2010
05 Aug 2009 BR5 BR002051 address change 31/07/09\hillgate house, 26 old bailey, london, EC4M 7AJ
07 Jun 2007 4.31 Appointment of a liquidator
07 Aug 2006 BR5 BR002051 address change 19/06/06 westgate house 9 holborn london EC1N 29E
24 Feb 1998 4.31 Appointment of a liquidator
25 Nov 1997 BR5 BR002051 address change 17/11/97 westgate house 9 holborn london EC1N 2QE
23 Oct 1997 BR6 BR002051 par appointed 22/09/97 christopher morris stonecutter court 1 stonecutter street london EC4A 4TR
23 Oct 1997 BR5 BR002051 address change 22/09/97 citadel house 5-11 fetter lane london EC4A 1BR
13 Dec 1994 BR6 BR002051 par partic 05/09/94 christopher morris citadel house 5-11 fetter lane london EC4A 1BR
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Request DocumentBR002051 par partic 05/09/94 christopher morris citadel house 5-11 fetter lane london EC4A 1BR
13 Dec 1994 BR6 BR002051 par partic 05/09/94 stephen john akers citadel house 8/9 fetter lane london EC4A 1BR
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentBR002051 par partic 05/09/94 stephen john akers citadel house 8/9 fetter lane london EC4A 1BR
13 Dec 1994 BR6 BR002051 par partic 05/09/94 nicholas roger lyle citadel house 5-11 fetter lane london EC4A 1BR
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentBR002051 par partic 05/09/94 nicholas roger lyle citadel house 5-11 fetter lane london EC4A 1BR
13 Dec 1994 BR6 BR002051 par partic 05/09/94 john parry richards citadel house 5-11 fetter lane london EC4A 1BR
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentBR002051 par partic 05/09/94 john parry richards citadel house 5-11 fetter lane london EC4A 1BR
27 Sep 1994 BR5 BR002051 address change 05/09/94 100 leadenhall street london EC3A 3AD
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Request DocumentBR002051 address change 05/09/94 100 leadenhall street london EC3A 3AD
12 Nov 1993 BR1-PAR BR002051 par appointed mr stephen john akers (liquidato r of the company) touche ross & co. Po box 810 65 crutched friars london EC3N 2NP
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentBR002051 par appointed mr stephen john akers (liquidato r of the company) touche ross & co. Po box 810 65 crutched friars london EC3N 2NP
12 Nov 1993 BR1-PAR BR002051 par appointed mr john parry richards (liquidat or of the company) touche ross & co. Po box 65 crutched friars london EC3N 2NP
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentBR002051 par appointed mr john parry richards (liquidat or of the company) touche ross & co. Po box 65 crutched friars london EC3N 2NP
12 Nov 1993 BR1-PAR BR002051 par appointed mr nicholas roger lyle (liquidat or of the company) touche ross & co. Po box 810 65 crutched friars london EC3N 2NP
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentBR002051 par appointed mr nicholas roger lyle (liquidat or of the company) touche ross & co. Po box 810 65 crutched friars london EC3N 2NP
12 Nov 1993 BR1-PAR BR002051 par appointed mr christopher morris (liquidato r of the company) touche ross & co. Po box 810 65 crutched friars london EC3N 2NP
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentBR002051 par appointed mr christopher morris (liquidato r of the company) touche ross & co. Po box 810 65 crutched friars london EC3N 2NP
12 Nov 1993 BR1-BCH BR002051 registered
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Request DocumentBR002051 registered
12 Nov 1993 BR1 Initial branch registration
08 Jun 1992 FPA First pa details changed c a w gibbons one st pauls churchyard london EC4M 8SH
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentFirst pa details changed c a w gibbons one st pauls churchyard london EC4M 8SH
08 Jun 1992 692(1)(c) Pa:res/app