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Company number FC009351

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
19 Jan 1996 AA Full group accounts made up to 30 September 1995
08 Nov 1995 BR4 Dir appointed 01/10/95 jeremy kitson ellis 28 sweeneys lane eltham victoria 3095 australia
22 Sep 1995 BR4 Dir resigned 23/08/95 john bernard gough
17 Feb 1995 AA Full group accounts made up to 30 September 1994
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Request DocumentFull group accounts made up to 30 September 1994
16 Nov 1994 BR4 Dir appointed 28/09/94 dr roderick sheldon deane 55 upland road kelburn new zealand
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Request DocumentDir appointed 28/09/94 dr roderick sheldon deane 55 upland road kelburn new zealand
08 Nov 1994 BR4 Dir resigned 01/10/94 leonie judith kramer
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Request DocumentDir resigned 01/10/94 leonie judith kramer
11 Aug 1994 BR4 Dir change in partic 21/07/94 john francis ries 72 gipps street east melbourne victoria 3002 australia
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Request DocumentDir change in partic 21/07/94 john francis ries 72 gipps street east melbourne victoria 3002 australia
29 Apr 1994 BR4 Dir appointed 22/03/94 ms margaret anne jackson 2 barnsbury court deepdene victoria 3103
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Request DocumentDir appointed 22/03/94 ms margaret anne jackson 2 barnsbury court deepdene victoria 3103
29 Apr 1994 BR4 Sec appointed 23/03/94 david thomas graig 1 beaven avenue malvern victoria 3144
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Request DocumentSec appointed 23/03/94 david thomas graig 1 beaven avenue malvern victoria 3144
13 Jan 1994 AA Full group accounts made up to 30 September 1993
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Request DocumentFull group accounts made up to 30 September 1993
24 Dec 1993 BR3 Change of address 06/12/93 55 co
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Request DocumentChange of address 06/12/93 55 co
20 Oct 1993 BR6 BR000580 par appointed 05/10/93 atchyuta kumar bommakanti minerva house montague close london SE1 9DH
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Request DocumentBR000580 par appointed 05/10/93 atchyuta kumar bommakanti minerva house montague close london SE1 9DH
20 Oct 1993 BR6 BR000580 par terminated 05/10/93 b p ranford
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Request DocumentBR000580 par terminated 05/10/93 b p ranford
02 Aug 1993 BR4 Dir change in partic 10/06/93 alister thirlestane lauderdale m aitland 2 reid street balwyn victoria 3103 australia
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Request DocumentDir change in partic 10/06/93 alister thirlestane lauderdale m aitland 2 reid street balwyn victoria 3103 australia
21 May 1993 BR1-PAR BR000580 par appointed mr bevyn pryer ranford minerva house montague close london SE1 9DH
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Request DocumentBR000580 par appointed mr bevyn pryer ranford minerva house montague close london SE1 9DH
21 May 1993 BR1-BCH BR000580 registered
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Request DocumentBR000580 registered
21 May 1993 BR1 Initial branch registration
18 Feb 1993 692(1)(b) Director's particulars changed;director resigned
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Request DocumentDirector's particulars changed;director resigned
15 Feb 1993 AA Full group accounts made up to 30 September 1992
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Request DocumentFull group accounts made up to 30 September 1992
05 Jan 1993 FPA First pa details changed timothy C.W. ingram +8 others 6 swift street london SW6 5AG
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Request DocumentFirst pa details changed timothy C.W. ingram +8 others 6 swift street london SW6 5AG
05 Jan 1993 692(1)(c) Pa:res
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30 Nov 1992 FPA First pa details changed timothy charles william ingram and others 6 swift street london SW6 5AG
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Request DocumentFirst pa details changed timothy charles william ingram and others 6 swift street london SW6 5AG
30 Nov 1992 692(1)(c) Pa:res/app
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Request DocumentPa:res/app
11 Nov 1992 692(1)(b) Director resigned
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Request DocumentDirector resigned
21 Sep 1992 692(1)(b) New director appointed
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Request DocumentNew director appointed