- Company Overview for NATIONAL BANK FINANCIAL INC. (FC009503)
- Filing history for NATIONAL BANK FINANCIAL INC. (FC009503)
- UK establishments for NATIONAL BANK FINANCIAL INC. (FC009503)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
15 Aug 2003 | AA | Full accounts made up to 30 September 2002 | |
15 Aug 2003 | AA | Full accounts made up to 30 September 2001 | |
15 Aug 2003 | AA | Full accounts made up to 30 September 2000 | |
15 Aug 2003 | AA | Full accounts made up to 30 September 1999 | |
06 Nov 2002 | BR4 | Dir resigned 09/08/02 le may danielle | |
06 Nov 2002 | BR4 | Sec appointed 10/08/02 clermont sophie westmount quebec | |
14 Feb 2001 | BR5 | BR001961 address change 22/01/01 95 gresham street princes house london EC2V 7LU | |
04 Sep 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 23/10/98 frank nettleton | |
17 May 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 douglas t willock | |
17 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 ronald lewis mayers | |
17 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Sec resigned 04/10/99 danielle le may | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir appointed 04/10/99 kym anthony ontario canada | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir appointed 04/10/99 lawrence bloomberg ontario canada | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 john wells | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 delys weighman | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 john angus watt | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 wm tremblay | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 danielle touchette | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 robert tilley | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 paul st-michel | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 stanley siscoe | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 louis simard | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 michael c scholfield | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 craig shannon | |
13 Apr 2000 | BR4 | Dir resigned 04/10/99 garry rubacha |