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Company number FC010396

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
27 Aug 1999 AA Full accounts made up to 31 December 1998
25 Aug 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 01/05/97 bernard joseph herman saparoea f eilzer bodegraafsestraatweg 119 2805 gm netherlands
25 Aug 1998 BR4 Sec resigned 01/04/97 paul marie frentrop
25 Aug 1998 BR4 Sec appointed 01/04/97 eleonora gladys rahder maria snelplantsoen 12 1106 wp amersterdam
29 Jul 1998 AA Full accounts made up to 31 December 1997
24 Feb 1998 BR4 Dir resigned 01/12/97 robert abraham hendrikus meer
24 Feb 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 01/12/97 maarten gerard diederick berckel aerdenhout holland
21 Jan 1998 BR4 Dir resigned 26/05/97 bernard s'jacobs
14 Jan 1998 BR4 Dir resigned 26/05/97 siebren erik beelaerts van blokl and
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Request DocumentDir resigned 26/05/97 siebren erik beelaerts van blokl and
14 Jan 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 02/07/97 sjoerd van keulen verlengde engweg 4 laren 1251 gm
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Request DocumentDir appointed 02/07/97 sjoerd van keulen verlengde engweg 4 laren 1251 gm
21 May 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/96 erik albertus johannes van de me rwe hof ter weydeweg 16 vleuten province of utrecht 3451 st
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/96 erik albertus johannes van de me rwe hof ter weydeweg 16 vleuten province of utrecht 3451 st
21 Mar 1996 BR4 Dir resigned 01/03/96 dirk martinus nicolaas van wensv een
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Request DocumentDir resigned 01/03/96 dirk martinus nicolaas van wensv een
21 Mar 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 01/03/96 joost christiaan lodewi jk kuipe r raamgracht 17B 1011 kj amerstam province of noord-holland
28 Nov 1995 AA Full group accounts made up to 31 December 1994
22 Sep 1995 BR6 BR000270 par appointed 01/01/95 benjamin willem blydenstein the limes 5 amblecote cobham surrey KT11 2JP
22 Sep 1995 BR6 BR000270 par terminated 31/12/94 joan f c blankvort
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Request DocumentBR000270 par terminated 31/12/94 joan f c blankvort
19 Apr 1995 AA Full group accounts made up to 31 December 1993
29 Mar 1995 BR5 BR000270 address change 20/03/95 princes house 95 gresham street london EC2V 7NA
04 Oct 1994 BR4 Dir resigned 30/04/94 johan kleiterp
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Request DocumentDir resigned 30/04/94 johan kleiterp
16 Sep 1994 BR4 Dir resigned 31/12/93 francis john loudon
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Request DocumentDir resigned 31/12/93 francis john loudon
16 Sep 1994 BR4 Dir appointed 01/01/94 siebren erik beelaerts van block land eemesserweg 35, blaricum, provincie of noord holland, 1261 hh
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/01/94 siebren erik beelaerts van block land eemesserweg 35, blaricum, provincie of noord holland, 1261 hh
16 Sep 1994 BR4 Dir appointed 01/01/94 christiann willem van oosterhout milletstraat 5 11 amsterdam province of noord-holland 1077 za
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/01/94 christiann willem van oosterhout milletstraat 5 11 amsterdam province of noord-holland 1077 za
17 Mar 1994 AA Full group accounts made up to 31 December 1992
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Request DocumentFull group accounts made up to 31 December 1992
02 Aug 1993 BR4 Sec resigned 23/04/93 cornelis sjoerd baas
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Request DocumentSec resigned 23/04/93 cornelis sjoerd baas
02 Aug 1993 BR4 Sec appointed 23/04/93 paul marie louis frentrop johan verhulstweg 66 bloemendaal noord-holland 2081 el
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentSec appointed 23/04/93 paul marie louis frentrop johan verhulstweg 66 bloemendaal noord-holland 2081 el