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Company number FC014886

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
22 Oct 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 26/06/02 ujike junichi
22 Oct 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 26/06/02 okamoto hidehiro shiga japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 26/06/02 okamoto hidehiro shiga japan
22 Oct 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 26/06/02 mitsuyasu tetsuo
22 Oct 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 26/06/02 nagai kozo saitama japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 26/06/02 nagai kozo saitama japan
17 May 2002 BR4 Dir change in partic 03/05/02 katsurauma masao chiba 274 japanese
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 27/06/01 watanabe tsuyoshi
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 27/06/01 hayashi kenji kyoto japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 27/06/01 hayashi kenji kyoto japan
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 27/06/01 shimokawa yoichi
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 27/06/01 ono katsutoshi tokyo japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 27/06/01 ono katsutoshi tokyo japan
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 27/06/01 shibuya takanobu
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 27/06/01 sasaki tsuneo tokyo japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 27/06/01 sasaki tsuneo tokyo japan
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 27/06/01 iijima hidetane
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 27/06/01 kamiura masayoshi nara japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 27/06/01 kamiura masayoshi nara japan
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir resigned 05/12/01 fukuda koichi
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir appointed 27/06/01 fukuda koichi 808 japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 27/06/01 fukuda koichi 808 japan
16 May 2002 BR4 Dir change in partic 04/07/01 katsurauma masao
02 May 2002 AA Full accounts made up to 31 March 2001
01 Mar 2001 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/00 shouchi akita
01 Mar 2001 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/00 kouichi minorikawa shiga japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 29/06/00 kouichi minorikawa shiga japan
26 Feb 2001 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/00 teruya ohno
26 Feb 2001 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/00 yukihiro sugimoto no 837 1-8 tsurimaki 5-chome setagaya-ku 154-0016 tokyo
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir appointed 29/06/00 yukihiro sugimoto no 837 1-8 tsurimaki 5-chome setagaya-ku 154-0016 tokyo
26 Feb 2001 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/00 hiroshi oka
26 Feb 2001 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/00 tamon hiroyama
26 Feb 2001 BR4 Dir appointed 29/06/00 osamu nakatani kyoto japan
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir appointed 29/06/00 osamu nakatani kyoto japan
26 Feb 2001 BR4 Dir resigned 29/06/00 noriyasu yamaguchi