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Company number FC016009

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29 Apr 1996 BR4 Sec change in partic 16/04/96 john arthur patrick driscoll 24,taloomi cr cronulla nsw A000RALIA 2230
29 Apr 1996 BR4 Dir change in partic 16/04/96 morrish alexander besley 80A baroona road, northbridge nsw australia 2063
29 Apr 1996 BR4 Dir change in partic 16/04/96 ian kenneth payne 102,sydney street, willoughby new south wales australia 2068
29 Apr 1996 BR4 Dir change in partic 16/04/96 anna christina booth 4,warrawee avenue castle cove new south wales australia 2069
29 Apr 1996 BR4 Dir change in partic 16/04/96 edward alfred evans rmb 7, cooper road, wamboin new south wales australia 2620
29 Apr 1996 BR4 Dir change in partic 16/04/96 ivan albert deveson 18,chesterfield avenue malvern victoria australia 3144
29 Apr 1996 BR4 Dir change in partic 16/04/96 john michael schubert 3,glencarron avenue mosman new south wales australia 2088
29 Mar 1996 PROSP Listing of particulars
09 Nov 1995 AA Full accounts made up to 30 June 1995
06 Nov 1995 PROSP Listing of particulars
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28 Apr 1995 BR6 BR000250 par appointed 24/04/95 kenneth andrew louden 3 morley street orpington kent BR6 8JR
28 Mar 1995 BR4 Sec resigned 14/03/95 peter anthony dray
28 Mar 1995 BR4 Sec appointed 14/03/95 john arthur patrick driscoll 1 struthers street cronulla nsw 2230
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Request DocumentSec appointed 14/03/95 john arthur patrick driscoll 1 struthers street cronulla nsw 2230
01 Jan 1995 PRE95 A selection of documents registered before 1 January 1995
11 Nov 1994 BR4 Dir appointed 14/09/94 ms barbara kay ward 57 york road queens park nsw 2022
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Request DocumentDir appointed 14/09/94 ms barbara kay ward 57 york road queens park nsw 2022
11 Nov 1994 BR2 Altn constitutional doc 261094
11 Nov 1994 PROSP Listing of particulars
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31 Oct 1994 AA Full accounts made up to 30 June 1994
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Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 30 June 1994
31 Oct 1994 BR6 BR000250 par terminated 03/10/94 j g koch
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Request DocumentBR000250 par terminated 03/10/94 j g koch
19 Sep 1994 BR4 Dir resigned 09/08/94 gary milton pemberton
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Request DocumentDir resigned 09/08/94 gary milton pemberton
16 May 1994 BR6 BR000250 par terminated 31/03/94 richard john hughes
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Request DocumentBR000250 par terminated 31/03/94 richard john hughes
16 May 1994 BR4 Sec resigned 15/04/94 david john anderson
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Request DocumentSec resigned 15/04/94 david john anderson
16 May 1994 BR4 Sec appointed 15/04/94 john damien hatton 6 cordeaux crescent sylvania waters nsw 2224 australia
  • BR6 ‐
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Request DocumentSec appointed 15/04/94 john damien hatton 6 cordeaux crescent sylvania waters nsw 2224 australia
08 Dec 1993 BR4 Sec resigned 08/12/92 david rowan white
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Request DocumentSec resigned 08/12/92 david rowan white
08 Dec 1993 BR4 Sec appointed 08/12/92 peter anthony dray 68 herbert street newport sydney, new south wales australia 2106
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentSec appointed 08/12/92 peter anthony dray 68 herbert street newport sydney, new south wales australia 2106