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Company number FC016040

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
18 Mar 2002 MISC Admin closure 18/03/02
29 Dec 1997 BR4 Dir resigned 05/12/97 vera margaret dalley lederman
08 Aug 1997 AA Full accounts made up to 30 April 1997
06 May 1997 BR2 Altn constitutional doc 240497
05 Nov 1996 BR4 Dir resigned 31/10/96 brian richard golder
05 Nov 1996 BR4 Sec appointed 01/11/96 john richard jevans 42A high view birchanger bishops stortford herts CM23 5QG
11 Sep 1996 AA Full accounts made up to 30 April 1996
06 Aug 1996 BR4 Sec resigned 29/10/93 vivienne diane bouchard
06 Aug 1996 BR4 Sec resigned 09/01/95 john richard jevans
06 Aug 1996 BR4 Dir resigned 29/10/93 david bertram bowen
06 Aug 1996 BR4 Dir resigned 29/10/93 david herbert seal
06 Aug 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 29/10/93 mr alan william weatherley linden cottage 30 mount road bexleyheath kent DA6 8JS
06 Aug 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 29/10/93 mr john richard jevans 42A high view birchanger bishops stortford herts CM23 5QG
08 Jul 1996 BR4 Dir change in partic 28/06/96 martin ollive
20 Jun 1996 BR4 Dir appointed 04/11/93 mr martin ollive 21 goldsdown close enfield middlesex EN3 7RR
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Request DocumentDir appointed 04/11/93 mr martin ollive 21 goldsdown close enfield middlesex EN3 7RR
20 Jun 1996 BR4 Sec resigned 09/01/95 john richard jevans
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentSec resigned 09/01/95 john richard jevans
20 Jun 1996 BR4 Sec appointed 09/01/95 brain richard golder 23 lion lane billericay essex CM12 9DL
03 Jun 1996 AA Full accounts made up to 21 April 1995
03 Jun 1996 AA Full accounts made up to 22 April 1994
11 Jul 1995 BR3 Change in accounts details 0101
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Request DocumentChange in accounts details 0101
08 Nov 1994 BR4 Sec resigned 13/10/94 victoria jane westley
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Request DocumentSec resigned 13/10/94 victoria jane westley
08 Nov 1994 BR4 Sec appointed 20/10/94 john richard jevans 42A high view birchanger bishops stortford herts. CB23 5QG
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentSec appointed 20/10/94 john richard jevans 42A high view birchanger bishops stortford herts. CB23 5QG
18 Aug 1994 BR3 Change of address 11/08/94 6 que
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Request DocumentChange of address 11/08/94 6 que
18 Aug 1994 BR4 Dir appointed 04/11/93 dr vera margaret dalley-lederman 12 pembroke square kensington london W8 6PA
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Request DocumentDir appointed 04/11/93 dr vera margaret dalley-lederman 12 pembroke square kensington london W8 6PA
18 Aug 1994 BR4 Dir change in partic 27/03/94 barry richard langley
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir change in partic 27/03/94 barry richard langley