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Company number FC016040

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
18 Aug 1994 BR4 Sec change in partic 23/03/94 victoria jane westley 36 queen anne road hackney london E9 7AH
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Request DocumentSec change in partic 23/03/94 victoria jane westley 36 queen anne road hackney london E9 7AH
20 Dec 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES12 ‐ Special resolution of varying share rights or name
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20 Dec 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES01 ‐ Special resolution of alteration of Memorandum of Association
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23 Nov 1993 BR4 Sec appointed 29/10/93 victoria jane westley 68 thomas more house barbican london EC2Y 8BT
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Request DocumentSec appointed 29/10/93 victoria jane westley 68 thomas more house barbican london EC2Y 8BT
23 Nov 1993 BR3 Change of address 29/10/93 branc
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Request DocumentChange of address 29/10/93 branc
23 Nov 1993 BR2 Altn constitutional doc 291093
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Request DocumentAltn constitutional doc 291093
23 Aug 1993 AA Full accounts made up to 23 April 1993
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Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 23 April 1993
21 Jul 1993 BR1-PAR BR000922 par appointed richard christopher eagle suite 478/480 salisbury house finsbury circus london EC2M 5QQ
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Request DocumentBR000922 par appointed richard christopher eagle suite 478/480 salisbury house finsbury circus london EC2M 5QQ
21 Jul 1993 BR1-BCH BR000922 registered
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Request DocumentBR000922 registered
21 Jul 1993 BR1 Initial branch registration
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Request DocumentInitial branch registration
15 Jun 1993 363 Return made up to 24/04/93; no change of members
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Request DocumentReturn made up to 24/04/93; no change of members
15 Jun 1993 692(1)(a) Adopt new charter
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Request DocumentAdopt new charter
19 Oct 1992 AA Full accounts made up to 24 April 1992
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Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 24 April 1992
05 May 1992 363 Return made up to 24/04/92; full list of members
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Request DocumentReturn made up to 24/04/92; full list of members
02 Jul 1991 BUSADD Business address suite 478/480 second floor salisbury house, finsbury circus london. EC2M 5SB
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Request DocumentBusiness address suite 478/480 second floor salisbury house, finsbury circus london. EC2M 5SB
02 Jul 1991 691 Foreign company registration
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Request DocumentForeign company registration