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Company number FC016116

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23 Dec 1993 BR4 Dir resigned 04/11/93 nicholas lazenby taylor
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Request DocumentDir resigned 04/11/93 nicholas lazenby taylor
19 Oct 1993 BR4 Dir resigned 27/09/93 alan leslie may
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Request DocumentDir resigned 27/09/93 alan leslie may
19 Oct 1993 BR4 Dir appointed 27/09/93 gerhard friedrich wilheim hornig 14,belgravia house, west halkin street london SW1
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Request DocumentDir appointed 27/09/93 gerhard friedrich wilheim hornig 14,belgravia house, west halkin street london SW1
15 Oct 1993 BR4 Dir appointed 21/09/93 roger dockett 7B,walton street,walton on the hill tadworth surrey kt 207RW
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Request DocumentDir appointed 21/09/93 roger dockett 7B,walton street,walton on the hill tadworth surrey kt 207RW
04 Oct 1993 AA Full accounts made up to 31 December 1992
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Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 31 December 1992
22 Jul 1993 BR1-PAR BR000950 pr appointed michael eugene durkin cuckoos rest priory close east farleigh maidstone kent
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Request DocumentBR000950 pr appointed michael eugene durkin cuckoos rest priory close east farleigh maidstone kent
22 Jul 1993 BR1-PAR BR000950 pr appointed nicholas lazenby taylor old station house bell lane cocking midhurst west sussex GU29 0HV
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Request DocumentBR000950 pr appointed nicholas lazenby taylor old station house bell lane cocking midhurst west sussex GU29 0HV
22 Jul 1993 BR1-PAR BR000950 pr appointed william hamish howie church house church lane shoreham sevenoaks kent
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Request DocumentBR000950 pr appointed william hamish howie church house church lane shoreham sevenoaks kent
22 Jul 1993 BR1-PAR BR000950 par appointed alan leslie may woodlands farm drive purley surrey GU8 3LP
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Request DocumentBR000950 par appointed alan leslie may woodlands farm drive purley surrey GU8 3LP
22 Jul 1993 BR1-BCH BR000950 registered
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Request DocumentBR000950 registered
22 Jul 1993 BR1 Initial branch registration
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Request DocumentInitial branch registration
06 May 1993 692(1)(b) Director resigned
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Request DocumentDirector resigned
15 Jan 1993 692(1)(b) Secretary's particulars changed
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Request DocumentSecretary's particulars changed
27 Oct 1992 AA Full accounts made up to 31 December 1991
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Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 31 December 1991
09 Apr 1992 692(2) Name changed cigna britain holdings, LTD.
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Request DocumentName changed cigna britain holdings, LTD.
27 Nov 1991 692(1)(b) Director resigned
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Request DocumentDirector resigned
25 Nov 1991 692(1)(b) New director appointed
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Request DocumentNew director appointed
06 Nov 1991 FPA First pa details changed 14 belgravia house 2 west halkin place london , SW1
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Request DocumentFirst pa details changed 14 belgravia house 2 west halkin place london , SW1
06 Nov 1991 692(1)(c) Pa:par
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Request DocumentPa:par
18 Sep 1991 701a ARD notified as 31/12
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Request DocumentARD notified as 31/12
09 Sep 1991 BUSADD Business address 8-11 lime street london EC3
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Request DocumentBusiness address 8-11 lime street london EC3
09 Sep 1991 691 Foreign company registration