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Company number FC016246

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08 Apr 1994 BR6 BR000348 pr terminated 31/07/93 william bott wray
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Request DocumentBR000348 pr terminated 31/07/93 william bott wray
08 Apr 1994 BR4 Dir resigned 31/03/93 veronica lowry
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Request DocumentDir resigned 31/03/93 veronica lowry
08 Apr 1994 BR4 Sec appointed 23/04/93 mrs ellie joan dolding lang house 4 lang lane st davids bermuda DD01
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Request DocumentSec appointed 23/04/93 mrs ellie joan dolding lang house 4 lang lane st davids bermuda DD01
28 Oct 1993 395 Particulars of mortgage/charge
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Request DocumentParticulars of mortgage/charge
31 Mar 1993 BR1-PAR BR000348 pa appointed messrs j sterling stover & lawre nce a leporte messrs oppenheimer wolff & donnelly 40 park street london W1Y 3PF
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Request DocumentBR000348 pa appointed messrs j sterling stover & lawre nce a leporte messrs oppenheimer wolff & donnelly 40 park street london W1Y 3PF
31 Mar 1993 BR1-PAR BR000348 pr appointed dr william bott wray 23 marlborough hill st johns wood london NW8 0NG
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Request DocumentBR000348 pr appointed dr william bott wray 23 marlborough hill st johns wood london NW8 0NG
31 Mar 1993 BR1-BCH BR000348 registered
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Request DocumentBR000348 registered
31 Mar 1993 BR1 Initial branch registration
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Request DocumentInitial branch registration
09 Mar 1993 395 Particulars of mortgage/charge
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Request DocumentParticulars of mortgage/charge
15 Jan 1992 701a ARD notified as 31/12
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Request DocumentARD notified as 31/12
05 Dec 1991 BUSADD Business address 150 regent street london W1R 5SA
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Request DocumentBusiness address 150 regent street london W1R 5SA
05 Dec 1991 691 Foreign company registration
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentForeign company registration