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Company number FC017218

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
01 Feb 2001 MISC Admin closure 18/07/00
19 May 1998 AA Full accounts made up to 30 April 1997
30 May 1997 AA Full accounts made up to 30 April 1996
09 May 1996 AA Full accounts made up to 30 April 1995
05 Sep 1994 AA Full accounts made up to 30 April 1994
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Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 30 April 1994
22 Mar 1994 BR5 BR000506 address change 07/02/94 10A church street godalming surrey GU7 1EH
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Request DocumentBR000506 address change 07/02/94 10A church street godalming surrey GU7 1EH
16 Feb 1994 701a ARD notified as 01/05
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Request DocumentARD notified as 01/05
13 Jul 1993 694(4)(a) Name changed 1-2-1 communications LIMITED lia bility company
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Request DocumentName changed 1-2-1 communications LIMITED lia bility company
18 May 1993 BR6 BR000506 par appointed 14/04/93 laurenco richard owen 12 south lawn court frith hill road godalming surrey GU7 2EB
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Request DocumentBR000506 par appointed 14/04/93 laurenco richard owen 12 south lawn court frith hill road godalming surrey GU7 2EB
18 May 1993 BR6 BR000506 par terminated 07/05/93 llc managers LIMITED
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Request DocumentBR000506 par terminated 07/05/93 llc managers LIMITED
18 May 1993 BR5 BR000506 address change 14/04/93 404-406 finchley road london NW2 2HR
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Request DocumentBR000506 address change 14/04/93 404-406 finchley road london NW2 2HR
18 May 1993 BR4 Sec resigned 14/04/93 llc managers LIMITED
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Request DocumentSec resigned 14/04/93 llc managers LIMITED
18 May 1993 BR4 Dir resigned 14/04/93 llc managers LIMITED
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Request DocumentDir resigned 14/04/93 llc managers LIMITED
18 May 1993 BR4 Dir appointed 14/04/93 ronald david cantelo 6 sandy lane godalming surrey GU7 2JD
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Request DocumentDir appointed 14/04/93 ronald david cantelo 6 sandy lane godalming surrey GU7 2JD
18 May 1993 BR4 Sec resigned 14/04/93 llc managers LIMITED
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Request DocumentSec resigned 14/04/93 llc managers LIMITED
18 May 1993 BR4 Dir resigned 14/04/93 llc managers LIMITED
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Request DocumentDir resigned 14/04/93 llc managers LIMITED
18 May 1993 BR4 Sec appointed 14/04/93 laurence richard owen 12 southlawn court frith hill road godalming surrey GU7 2EB
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Request DocumentSec appointed 14/04/93 laurence richard owen 12 southlawn court frith hill road godalming surrey GU7 2EB
18 May 1993 BR4 Dir appointed 14/04/93 laurence richard owen 12 southlawn court frith hill road godalming surrey GU7 2EB
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Request DocumentDir appointed 14/04/93 laurence richard owen 12 southlawn court frith hill road godalming surrey GU7 2EB
04 May 1993 BR1-PAR BR000506 par appointed llc managers LIMITED 404-406 finchley road london NW2 2HR
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Request DocumentBR000506 par appointed llc managers LIMITED 404-406 finchley road london NW2 2HR
04 May 1993 BR1-BCH BR000506 registered
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Request DocumentBR000506 registered
04 May 1993 BR1 Initial branch registration
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Request DocumentInitial branch registration