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Company number FC020122

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Company Results (links open in a new window)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
03 May 2000 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/00 kumio nomura
03 May 2000 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/00 giichi miyakawa osaka japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/00 giichi miyakawa osaka japan
03 May 2000 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/00 hisao kawamoto
03 May 2000 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/00 masaharu oku saitama japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/00 masaharu oku saitama japan
03 May 2000 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/00 hisao azuma
03 May 2000 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/00 shigehisa sano tokyo japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/00 shigehisa sano tokyo japan
04 Jun 1999 AA Full group accounts made up to 31 December 1998
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Request DocumentFull group accounts made up to 31 December 1998
11 May 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/99 satoshi takemura
11 May 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/99 shigeru iwasawa kanagawa japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/99 shigeru iwasawa kanagawa japan
11 May 1999 BR4 Dir change in partic 01/04/99 akira sonoda
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Request DocumentDir change in partic 01/04/99 akira sonoda
11 May 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/99 kenji shibata
11 May 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/99 minekazu fujimura brentwood tn 37027
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/99 minekazu fujimura brentwood tn 37027
11 May 1999 BR4 Dir change in partic 01/04/99 katshiko yamamoto
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Request DocumentDir change in partic 01/04/99 katshiko yamamoto
11 May 1999 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/99 jugo hayashida
11 May 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/99 hideki inose zaventum belgium
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Request DocumentDir appointed 01/04/99 hideki inose zaventum belgium
11 May 1999 BR4 Dir change in partic 01/04/99 akira inohara
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Request DocumentDir change in partic 01/04/99 akira inohara
05 May 1999 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/99 tatsuya okajima tokyo japan
17 Jun 1998 AA Full accounts made up to 31 December 1997
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/98 takao amase
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/98 hisao kawamoto shiga japan
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir change in partic 01/04/98 atsuo kasori tochigi japan
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/98 hisao azuma 77 1 710 sezaki machi soka shi japan
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir change in partic 01/04/98 shoshi arakawa yokohama japan
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/98 kazuyuki hirai
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentDir resigned 01/04/98 kazuyuki hirai
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/98 hiromichi odagiri tokyo japan