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Company number FC020122

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir change in partic 01/04/98 akira inoue tokyo japan
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/98 kazuyoshi iida
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Request DocumentDir resigned 01/04/98 kazuyoshi iida
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/98 hidekatsu ishizaki tokyo japan
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir change in partic 01/04/98 takeshi uchiyama kraainem belgium
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir resigned 01/04/98 kanishiro ishibashi
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Request DocumentDir resigned 01/04/98 kanishiro ishibashi
20 May 1998 BR4 Dir appointed 01/04/98 takeshi hattori tokyo japan
20 Jan 1998 AA Full accounts made up to 31 December 1996
09 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir appointed 28/03/97 kunio nomura 4-2-13 narahinodai funabashi -shi chiba japan 274
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Request DocumentDir appointed 28/03/97 kunio nomura 4-2-13 narahinodai funabashi -shi chiba japan 274
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir appointed 28/03/97 jugo hayashida tokyo japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 28/03/97 jugo hayashida tokyo japan
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir appointed 28/03/97 akira inque tokyo japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 28/03/97 akira inque tokyo japan
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir appointed 28/03/97 shoshi arakawa bangkok thailand
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Request DocumentDir appointed 28/03/97 shoshi arakawa bangkok thailand
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir appointed 28/03/97 yasuo fujita tokyo japan
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Request DocumentDir appointed 28/03/97 yasuo fujita tokyo japan
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir resigned 28/03/97 takehisa yamashita
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Request DocumentDir resigned 28/03/97 takehisa yamashita
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir appointed 28/03/97 kenji shibata nashville usa
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir resigned 28/03/97 kuniaki yamanaka
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Request DocumentDir resigned 28/03/97 kuniaki yamanaka
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir appointed 28/03/97 hiroji ohbuchi osaka japan
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir resigned 28/03/97 shinmatsu takano
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Request DocumentDir resigned 28/03/97 shinmatsu takano
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir appointed 28/03/97 akira sonoda tokyo japan
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir resigned 28/03/97 masaaki inoue
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Request DocumentDir resigned 28/03/97 masaaki inoue
03 Jul 1997 BR4 Dir appointed 28/03/97 akira inohara tokyo japan
24 Jun 1997 BR2 Altn constitutional doc 280397
11 Feb 1997 BR1-PAR BR003796 pa appointed dr julian david mathew lew herbert smith exchange house primrose street london EC2A 2HS
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Request DocumentBR003796 pa appointed dr julian david mathew lew herbert smith exchange house primrose street london EC2A 2HS
11 Feb 1997 BR1-PAR BR003796 pr appointed naotaka horio 13 hyde green marlow buckinghamshire SL7 1QL
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Request DocumentBR003796 pr appointed naotaka horio 13 hyde green marlow buckinghamshire SL7 1QL
11 Feb 1997 BR1-PAR BR003796 pr appointed hirohide hamashima 131 lynton road acton london W3
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentBR003796 pr appointed hirohide hamashima 131 lynton road acton london W3
11 Feb 1997 BR1-BCH BR003796 registered
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Request DocumentBR003796 registered