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Company number FC030530

Overseas company address
Building Naos 6 Rue Eugene Ruppert, L-2453, Luxembourg
Company status
Converted / Closed
Closed on
29 December 2020
Company type
Overseas company
First UK establishment opened on
30 September 2011


Required to publish accounts from 1 January to 31 December within 9 months under parent law

Last accounts made up to 31 December 2019

Previous company names
Name Period
STRAKAN INTERNATIONAL S.A R.L. 30 Nov 2011 - 18 Apr 2016

Company details in the country of incorporation

Incorporated in
Registration number
B 164080
Legal form
Parent registry
Registre De Commerce Et Des Societes
Governing law
Objects of the company
Holding in participations in any form whatsoever in luxembourg