- Company Overview for AXA PARTNERS (FC034269)
- Filing history for AXA PARTNERS (FC034269)
- People for AXA PARTNERS (FC034269)
- UK establishments for AXA PARTNERS (FC034269)
- More for AXA PARTNERS (FC034269)
- Overseas company address
- 8-10 Rue Paul Vaillant Couturier, Malakoff, 92 240, France
- Company status
- Active
- Company type
- Overseas company
- First UK establishment opened on
- 26 January 2017
Required to publish accounts from 1 January to 31 December within 12 months under parent law
Company details in the country of incorporation
- Incorporated in
- Registration number
- 813778412
- Legal form
- Societe Par Actions Simplifiee (Private Limited)
- Parent registry
- Nanterre