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Company number NF000150

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
18 Jul 2000 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Jul 2000 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Jul 2000 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Jul 2000 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Jul 2000 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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08 Jan 2000 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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12 Nov 1999 ACX(NI) 31/12/98 annual accounts pt XX111
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Request Document31/12/98 annual accounts pt XX111
26 Aug 1999 6421C(NI) Change pers auth ptxxiii
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13 Aug 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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13 Aug 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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13 Aug 1998 ACX(NI) 31/12/97 annual accounts pt XX111
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Request Document31/12/97 annual accounts pt XX111
28 May 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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21 May 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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21 May 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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21 May 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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21 May 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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21 May 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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21 May 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Feb 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Feb 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Feb 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Feb 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Feb 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Feb 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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18 Feb 1998 6421B(NI) Change dirs pt XX111 co
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Request DocumentChange dirs pt XX111 co