- Company Overview for ELF COMBUSTION LIMITED (NI029829)
- Filing history for ELF COMBUSTION LIMITED (NI029829)
- People for ELF COMBUSTION LIMITED (NI029829)
- Charges for ELF COMBUSTION LIMITED (NI029829)
Persons with significant control: 1 active person with significant control / 0 active statements
Elfmac Holding Limited Active
- Correspondence address
- Unit 20 East Belfast Enterprise Park, Albertbridge Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT5 4GX
- Notified on
- 1 December 2020
- Governing law
- Legal form
- Private Limited Company
- Place registered
- Uk Register Of Companies
- Registration number
- Ni674242
- Incorporated in
- Northern Ireland
- Nature of control
- Ownership of voting rights - 75% or more
Mr David James Starrs Ceased
- Correspondence address
- Unit 20, East Belfast Enterprise Park, 308 Albertbridge Road, Belfast, BT5 4GX
- Notified on
- 1 December 2020
- Ceased on
- 1 December 2020
- Date of birth
- July 1971
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- Northern Ireland
- Nature of control
Ms Jacqueline Anne Blair Ceased
- Correspondence address
- Unit 20, East Belfast Enterprise Park, 308 Albertbridge Road, Belfast, BT5 4GX
- Notified on
- 1 December 2020
- Ceased on
- 1 December 2020
- Date of birth
- April 1977
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- Northern Ireland
- Nature of control
Mr Garry William Mahood Ceased
- Correspondence address
- Unit 20, East Belfast Enterprise Park, 308 Albertbridge Road, Belfast, BT5 4GX
- Notified on
- 1 August 2016
- Ceased on
- 1 December 2020
- Date of birth
- March 1962
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- Northern Ireland
- Nature of control
Mrs Elizabeth Anne Mahood Ceased
- Correspondence address
- Unit 20, East Belfast Enterprise Park, 308 Albertbridge Road, Belfast, BT5 4GX
- Notified on
- 1 August 2016
- Ceased on
- 1 December 2020
- Date of birth
- August 1969
- Nationality
- British
- Country of residence
- Northern Ireland
- Nature of control