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Company number NI640623

Persons with significant control: 2 active persons with significant control / 0 active statements

Mr Geoffrey George Lockhart Active

Correspondence address
27-28 The Courtyard, Galgorm Castle, Ballymena, Co Antrim, BT42 1HL
Notified on
8 September 2016
Date of birth
November 1971
Country of residence
Northern Ireland
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – More than 50% but less than 75%

Tobermore Concrete Products Limited Active

Correspondence address
2 Lisnamuck Road, Tobermore, Magherafelt, Northern Ireland, BT45 5QF
Notified on
8 September 2016
Governing law
Legal form
Place registered
Northern Ireland
Registration number
Incorporated in
Northern Ireland
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – More than 25% but not more than 50%

David George Preston Ceased

Correspondence address
27-28 The Courtyard, Galgorm Castle, Ballymena, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT42 1HL
Notified on
5 September 2016
Ceased on
8 September 2016
Date of birth
November 1968
Country of residence
Northern Ireland
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – 75% or more
Ownership of voting rights - 75% or more
Right to appoint or remove directors