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Company number NI645165

Persons with significant control: 2 active persons with significant control / 0 active statements

Mr Altaf Patel Active

Correspondence address
7 Emania Terrace, Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT60 4AS
Notified on
16 March 2019
Date of birth
November 1969
Country of residence
Nature of control
Has significant influence or control
Has significant influence or control over the trustees of a trust
Has significant influence or control as a member of a firm

Mr Joseph Quigley Active

Correspondence address
7 Emania Terrace, Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT60 4AS
Notified on
10 October 2018
Date of birth
January 1985
Country of residence
Northern Ireland
Nature of control
Has significant influence or control
Has significant influence or control over the trustees of a trust
Has significant influence or control as a member of a firm

Mr Paul Duffy Ceased

Correspondence address
363 Mullacreevie Park, Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT60 4BD
Notified on
10 July 2018
Ceased on
10 October 2018
Date of birth
August 1983
Country of residence
Northern Ireland
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – More than 25% but not more than 50%
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%

Mr John Patrick Mcclatchey Ceased

Correspondence address
266d, Monaghan Road, Tynan, Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT60 4SQ
Notified on
10 April 2017
Ceased on
1 December 2018
Date of birth
January 1970
Country of residence
Northern Ireland
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – More than 25% but not more than 50%
Ownership of voting rights - More than 25% but not more than 50%