- Company Overview for PAUL CLIFTON PROPERTIES LLP (OC312130)
- Filing history for PAUL CLIFTON PROPERTIES LLP (OC312130)
- Insolvency for PAUL CLIFTON PROPERTIES LLP (OC312130)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 108 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 107 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 106 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 105 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 92 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 91 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 85 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 84 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 83 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 82 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 81 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 80 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 79 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 78 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 75 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 72 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 71 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 66 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 62 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 57 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 55 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 54 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 50 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 49 | |
20 Dec 2009 | LLMG02 | Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP /full /charge no 45 |